Despite the wishes of the Obama Administration to give over control of the internet to G*d only knows who, Congress has stepped in to prevent that from happening until at least 2017. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, also known as Icann, will remain under US control until at least September, 2017.
IMO, this is a great relief. The forfeiture of internet control was one of many moves by the Obama Administration to act on the belief that there is no such thing as "American Exceptionalism" - only the belief that all countries, including ours, are exceptional. Proof of that America is "special", just like "everyone else", would be giving up control over the internet, and showing that any crazy regime could do what the United States has done to keep the internet free and open to all comers.
This news has so far only appeared in the Wall Street Journal, as far as I can tell. You can read the Wall Street Journal on the subject by clicking here. Stay tuned for confirmation of this news.
Above (click to enlarge): Random photo. Grapepicker Tim at a GleanSlo event at a winery in SLO county.
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