Sitting on a Park Bench for more than an hour is a Crime? Really?
Chapter 9.40
9.40.010 Infraction established.
9.40.010 Infraction established.
It shall be an infraction for any person to sit, lay, or remain upon any public bench for any continuous period of time in excess of one hour, or for any period of time in excess of three hours in any twenty-four-hour period; or to arrange one’s personal property on or in front of any portion of any public bench in a manner that obstructs or precludes the use of the bench by another person. (Ord. 1491 § 2, 2006)
Above (click to enlarge): Photo of the actual ticket received, with the name of the person covered up. Note the address as "General Delivery", meaning a homeless person with no address. This is not right!
Yes, we are criminalizing homelessness. A group of homeless each got a ticket like this one because he and others were sitting at the picnic table at Meadow Park in SLO during broad daylight, apparently for "more than an hour". I have attended picnics at that very same table (for more than an hour) and never got ticketed. Gee, are they discriminating against the homeless?
Was this written with the homeless in mind? "or to arrange one’s personal property on or in front of any portion of any public bench in a manner that obstructs or precludes the use of the bench by another person."