Tuesday, November 5, 2019

SLO "Blue Bag" Trash Pickup Pilot Program

"Blue Bag Partnership" Link to Final Report


"Blue Bag Partnership" Tim's "Mark-Ups" of the Final Report
Ann. I don’t expect any of this to be incorporated into the document, and all of it is at your discretion (of course) and those of the “partners”. However, I believe my comments to be accurate, and I believe you and I have discussed all these points before. I do want to put this information out there for your consumption (at least). Thanks!

Proposed Text Edit

County of San Luis Obispo P a g e | 1

N O V E M B E R  2 0 ,  2 0 1 9
C O U N T Y  O F  S A N L U I S O B I S P O

Results from the 2019 Inter-Agency “Blue Bag Partnership Pilot” Effort to Both Improved Stormwater Run-Off Quality and Increased Sanitation at the Homeless Camps