Thursday, May 3, 2012

LOCAL: Bad Trash Can Law about to be Enforced


To: SLO City Council
Cc: The Tribune Newspaper

I received a notice that reads (in part):
I'm sure you've heard about it by now, but just in case you haven't,

Beginning in May 2012, City Staff will be proactively enforcing violations
of the Municipal Code. Compliance is mandatory and violations will result
in a fine. 

I was told specifically by one or more of the current city council that enforcement
would be on a COMPLAINT basis only, and that it would NOT NECESSARILY
result in a fine. I read the law, and complained that it was not what the law said.
Gee, I guess what the law says matters, after all.

Bad law in the first place. Big brother and the slippery slope of controlling 
EVER aspect of our lives. How much is the fine?

Does this mean that the city council members in violation (IIRC, 4 out of 5
according to the Tribune) will now put away your cans as per the law, or
are you exempt from the violations (mandatory is a fuzzy word for

Is there anything more to tell about this newfound budget money for
enforcing the trash can ordinance on the ENTIRE CITY?

Tell me that this was a misprint, please!

Thanks as always.