EIGHT 7/7/2014:
Yes, Social Security IS an Entitlement!
For instance, my parents (aged in their 80's), with a middle class income for 30+ years, have received Social Security payments WAY in excess of what they have taken out. In fact, the amount they collect in 1 year equals approximately what they put in in ALL their years of contributing! On the other hand, the amount that my wife and I have paid into the system is MUCH MORE than we will ever collect, unless we live much longer than expected.
Does this mean I am against the New Deal and Social Security. It simply means that people are wrong when they say that people EARNED their Social Security payments; what they should say is that they PAID INTO the system, and are now collecting out of it. It is a "pay as you go" system, and by the time we collect, I predict that my wife and I will be "means-tested" out of Social Security and collect little or nothing from it, because our federal government is bankrupting our country through endless deficit spending.
Note also that Social Security is a massively progressive system, where those who put little in but qualify to receive it will get MASSIVELY more than they ever put into it, whereas those who have contributed well into 6 figures into it, will get dramatically less in proportion.
SEVEN 6/26/2014:
Veteran Actor Eli Wallach Dies on 6/25/2014 at Age 98!

SIX 6/19/2014:
Want Some Good News? Two Subspecies of Island Fox Should Go Off the Endangered Species List!