My blog is filled with things that people can do to help the homeless. Remember, "there but for the grace of G*d go I", which means - it could be you that is homeless, instead of them. So do something helpful.
Our public officials display no sense of urgency in dealing with our unhoused crisis. I have no doubt that they are well-meaning, but: They write goals in annual plans to "end homelessness", then just worry about re-election. That's what I observe, anyways. At government meetings, I just want to stand up and scream: 8 years into your 10 year plan to "End Homelessness", there are MORE HOMELESS PEOPLE THAN WHEN YOU STARTED - doesn't that bother you just a little? Enough to do something - anything - about it?????
On July 15, 2016, the San Luis Obispo Tribune ran this letter to the editor about how we should be doing much better on our 10 year plan to end homelessness, given that it is now year 8. Please read the letter from Karen Wyckoff Bren entitled: SLO County Can Do Better for It's Homeless Population. I have been saying this so long that my tongue is bleeding.
Here are just a few excerpts from Ms. Bren's letter:
We are now in year eight of this plan. And given what I see on our streets and in our parks today, I question our progress toward this goal. I’m educating myself about homelessness, and I know how severely our state is being impacted by it — 22 percent of America’s homeless reside in California. [with only 12% of our country's population].
I call upon the Leadership Council Committee that generated this impressive 10-year plan to hold a meeting to update our community about our progress toward housing San Luis Obispo County’s homeless.
Finally, here is a link to SLO County's 10 Year Plan to End Homelessness, so that you can educate yourself on how poorly we are doing compared to the plan's "goal".
Click Here to go back to "Tim Waag Blog" Home Page!
Just a regular old Central Coast guy who raised some kids, and feels like he has something to say. Hope it makes a difference.
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Monday, July 4, 2016
JULY 2016: This and That!
I've been spending a lot of time with the homeless lately, and our law firm is VERY busy, so haven't had time to do much posting. Wanted to put out some general thoughts while getting ready to put on a 4th of July BBQ and Party for 35 homeless guests at the CAPSLO's Homeless Shelter Overflow.
1. WE CAN DO BETTER! We need to do better with helping the homeless! This month at the overflow there are about 9 babies under the age of 3 living in the homeless shelter, including 4 babies under 1 year old. Babies should NOT ever live in a shelter - sorry, they just shouldn't. We have to do better than we are doing!
2. THEO AND I ARE CONFUSED ABOUT TRADE: Fascinating that it used to the Republicans in favor of trade and the Democrats against it. Now its just the opposite. Except Hillary is against Obama's TPP, so maybe both parties are against Free Trade. Of course, Hillary was in favor of TPP before she was against it. It's hard to keep track sometimes. Personally, I am in favor of Free Trade, but then, nobody cares what i think (except my wife) which is fine with me! Photo of Theo the Dog - he is both confused about trade and all wet!!!
3. FAILURE TO PULL THE TRIGGER ON BREXIT? I have a libertarian bent, so I wouldn't like living in a country (such as the UK) where a faceless bureaucracy from another country tells my country what to do, so I tend to favor BREXIT. Go BREXIT! However, right now, I believe the odds are strong that the Brits will never invoke the BREXIT notification to the EU. Why? Because nobody expected it to pass, and Britain's political Brexit crowd has no idea what to do, and is running away from it as fast as their little British legs will carry them. Sure is entertaining to watch from our vantage point on the "other side of the pond"! Will the Brits pull the trigger on Article 50 and start their 2 year exit timetable? I doubt it. Time will tell, but I think I'm right!
4. HILLARY WORKS THE SYSTEM BETTER THAN TRUMP! For years, I had a Top Secret Clearance, as well as HIGHER classified clearances. One time, many years ago, I left a piece of classified paper out on my desk overnight in a completely classified building with armed guards. The result? I got written up! Indeed, I was told, 1 more violation, and I would lose my clearance and be fired. Oh, and never be able to get a Security Clearance EVER AGAIN! What makes something classified is the information itself, and not a "Classified Stamp". Anyways, months ago, I called it that there was no way that the FBI or DOJ would go after Hillary, no matter what they found. Could you imagine how the world economies would crash if Clinton was indicted? Anyways, I was right. Clearly, there are those who will get away with it (the big guys) and those that will get prosecuted (the little guys; i.e., most of us, like me). If I did what Hillary did, I'd be in jail - period. And its not even close. The system IS rigged - it always has been - you just didn't know it! Mr. Comey's boss (President Obama) was out publicly campaigning with Hillary on the day that Comey released his findings. If Obama didn't know the outcome of the investigation, is there any way he would have been with Hillary when the results came out? No way! Plus, he endorsed Hillary while the investigation that might criminally indict her was still under way - would he do that if he knew she was headed for Jail? Think about it, people.
5. HILLARY TO ENTERTAIN US FOR 4 MORE YEARS! It's come down to this: I no longer think it really makes a difference who is in the Oval Office, with a few exceptions, such as nominating Supreme Court justices. Since Hillary is like nails on a chalkboard to me, and she can't seem to keep her foot out of her mouth, I want her to win, simply for the entertainment value that she will provide to us. Yes, even more entertaining than "The Donald"! Hardworking Americans will continue to make the country function, even if our leaders are clueless and continue to work against our interests. Go Hillary!!!!!! (You gotta love that face - you better, because you'll be seeing a lot in the next 4 years!)
6. ALL ABOUT POLITICS: SUPREME COURT, IRS, DEPT. OF JUSTICE, FBI, YOU NAME IT: The current Supreme Court makes decisions based on the political beliefs of the individual justices, and not the law - they simply ignore what the law says, and vote their political persuasion. Witness the recent utterances of Justice Ginsberg made on separate occasions during July 2016, calling Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump names and saying she would move to New Zealand if he was elected. The Supreme Court, along with all other courts, are supposed to maintain an air of impartiality. That ship has now sailed: the Supreme Court is just another political body that is rigged against us. Yes, justices can hold political beliefs - they just need to keep it to themselves. Sad, indeed.
The IRS goes after conservative groups, government IRS employees plead the 5th, and it's business as usual - nobody is held to account. And on and on it goes. Why did Comey let Hillary off the hook? Read about some potential answers by clicking here. What's in it for Mr. Comey, head of the FBI? Perhaps he is promised a plush job by the Clinton machine after he leaves government, or even better, $500,000 speaking engagements like those Bill C. gets, perhaps? Here's a new one: Comey actually wanted to provide evidence of HRC's extreme guilt, yet, uncharacteristically for the FBI, gave a recommendation not to indict, thus ending the suspense. Had Hillary been indicted, then a much more electable Joe Biden would have stepped in and beat Trump. So, by Comey's actions, he produced a storm cloud over Hillary's election, yet ensured that Biden would not have to step in - very clever! Yep. Against Hillary, Trump has a small chance to win - against Uncle Joe - no chance! It sure appears that the system is rigged, though we'll never know for sure, because they are never going to tell us what is going on behind the scenes.
7. My Recent Affliction - I Have a White Savior Complex! Now, I have had my issues with the police over the years, but I still consider myself a "law and order" kinda guy (even when it comes to homeless issues). After the "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" mantra was revealed by a multitude of minority witnesses to be completely false, it is still the narrative of a group that only believes one racial class "matters". We quickly learned that insisting that "All Lives Matter" makes you a racist. That same group occasionally chants for the killing of law enforcement officers (or "pigs"), without any consequences. Law enforcement has largely caved in to their demands, allowing looting, burning, and overturning cop cars to go on without consequence, and now we have increases in violent crime, particularly murders. How can this be good? Anyways, I'm a white male so I am automatically a racist - fine, if you insist. For the last few decades, I've been helping a lot of homeless people, many of whom happen to be minorities, and now I find out that I apparently have a "White Savior Complex" too! So what am I to do? Answer: continue to do the right thing, and try my best to ignore the PC crowd, no matter how "in my face" they try to be.
8. BEING IN FAVOR OF "LAW AND ORDER" IS JUST A "DOG WHISTLE" CALL FOR BEING A RACIST: Well, it's a new one on me, but okay - if I'm for "Law and Order", then I'm a racist. I'm really getting tired of this. Not convinced? You can read about how I am even more of a racist than I was before, because in no. 7 above, I said that "I consider myself a law and order kind of guy" - read about the twisted logic by clicking here.
4. HILLARY WORKS THE SYSTEM BETTER THAN TRUMP! For years, I had a Top Secret Clearance, as well as HIGHER classified clearances. One time, many years ago, I left a piece of classified paper out on my desk overnight in a completely classified building with armed guards. The result? I got written up! Indeed, I was told, 1 more violation, and I would lose my clearance and be fired. Oh, and never be able to get a Security Clearance EVER AGAIN! What makes something classified is the information itself, and not a "Classified Stamp". Anyways, months ago, I called it that there was no way that the FBI or DOJ would go after Hillary, no matter what they found. Could you imagine how the world economies would crash if Clinton was indicted? Anyways, I was right. Clearly, there are those who will get away with it (the big guys) and those that will get prosecuted (the little guys; i.e., most of us, like me). If I did what Hillary did, I'd be in jail - period. And its not even close. The system IS rigged - it always has been - you just didn't know it! Mr. Comey's boss (President Obama) was out publicly campaigning with Hillary on the day that Comey released his findings. If Obama didn't know the outcome of the investigation, is there any way he would have been with Hillary when the results came out? No way! Plus, he endorsed Hillary while the investigation that might criminally indict her was still under way - would he do that if he knew she was headed for Jail? Think about it, people.
5. HILLARY TO ENTERTAIN US FOR 4 MORE YEARS! It's come down to this: I no longer think it really makes a difference who is in the Oval Office, with a few exceptions, such as nominating Supreme Court justices. Since Hillary is like nails on a chalkboard to me, and she can't seem to keep her foot out of her mouth, I want her to win, simply for the entertainment value that she will provide to us. Yes, even more entertaining than "The Donald"! Hardworking Americans will continue to make the country function, even if our leaders are clueless and continue to work against our interests. Go Hillary!!!!!! (You gotta love that face - you better, because you'll be seeing a lot in the next 4 years!)
6. ALL ABOUT POLITICS: SUPREME COURT, IRS, DEPT. OF JUSTICE, FBI, YOU NAME IT: The current Supreme Court makes decisions based on the political beliefs of the individual justices, and not the law - they simply ignore what the law says, and vote their political persuasion. Witness the recent utterances of Justice Ginsberg made on separate occasions during July 2016, calling Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump names and saying she would move to New Zealand if he was elected. The Supreme Court, along with all other courts, are supposed to maintain an air of impartiality. That ship has now sailed: the Supreme Court is just another political body that is rigged against us. Yes, justices can hold political beliefs - they just need to keep it to themselves. Sad, indeed.
The IRS goes after conservative groups, government IRS employees plead the 5th, and it's business as usual - nobody is held to account. And on and on it goes. Why did Comey let Hillary off the hook? Read about some potential answers by clicking here. What's in it for Mr. Comey, head of the FBI? Perhaps he is promised a plush job by the Clinton machine after he leaves government, or even better, $500,000 speaking engagements like those Bill C. gets, perhaps? Here's a new one: Comey actually wanted to provide evidence of HRC's extreme guilt, yet, uncharacteristically for the FBI, gave a recommendation not to indict, thus ending the suspense. Had Hillary been indicted, then a much more electable Joe Biden would have stepped in and beat Trump. So, by Comey's actions, he produced a storm cloud over Hillary's election, yet ensured that Biden would not have to step in - very clever! Yep. Against Hillary, Trump has a small chance to win - against Uncle Joe - no chance! It sure appears that the system is rigged, though we'll never know for sure, because they are never going to tell us what is going on behind the scenes.
7. My Recent Affliction - I Have a White Savior Complex! Now, I have had my issues with the police over the years, but I still consider myself a "law and order" kinda guy (even when it comes to homeless issues). After the "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" mantra was revealed by a multitude of minority witnesses to be completely false, it is still the narrative of a group that only believes one racial class "matters". We quickly learned that insisting that "All Lives Matter" makes you a racist. That same group occasionally chants for the killing of law enforcement officers (or "pigs"), without any consequences. Law enforcement has largely caved in to their demands, allowing looting, burning, and overturning cop cars to go on without consequence, and now we have increases in violent crime, particularly murders. How can this be good? Anyways, I'm a white male so I am automatically a racist - fine, if you insist. For the last few decades, I've been helping a lot of homeless people, many of whom happen to be minorities, and now I find out that I apparently have a "White Savior Complex" too! So what am I to do? Answer: continue to do the right thing, and try my best to ignore the PC crowd, no matter how "in my face" they try to be.
8. BEING IN FAVOR OF "LAW AND ORDER" IS JUST A "DOG WHISTLE" CALL FOR BEING A RACIST: Well, it's a new one on me, but okay - if I'm for "Law and Order", then I'm a racist. I'm really getting tired of this. Not convinced? You can read about how I am even more of a racist than I was before, because in no. 7 above, I said that "I consider myself a law and order kind of guy" - read about the twisted logic by clicking here.
Peace and have a great 4th of July.