They used their small savings to buy a plot of land in Virginia in 2011. There, they built a home that’s smaller than 200 square feet. And they couldn’t be happier. During 2008, Hari and Karl Berzins lost their home and restaurant business. The recession hit them hard, but they didn’t let their misfortunes stop them from moving forward. They learned their lesson and vowed never to use credit again. So when they rebuilt, they did so on a small scale. (Literally.) They are the Tiny House Family.*****Update 1/28/2014: Question: Why is it so hard to build affordable housing, or new housing in general? Answer: fees, red tape, regulations, and NIMBY ("Not In My Back Yard") opposition. Read this article on how difficult it is to build new housing in San Francisco by clicking here.
Just a regular old Central Coast guy who raised some kids, and feels like he has something to say. Hope it makes a difference.
Monday, December 16, 2013
SLO: County Needs Affordable Housing - Part I
*****Update 3/23/2014: I just came across this story about the "Tiny House Family" that you can read about by clicking here. Here's a brief description from the article:
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
SLO: "Tommy Benjamin" Film to be shown at SLO-IFF on 3/9/2014 at 1pm
3/9/2014: After seeing Tommy Benjamin in Paso at the SLO International Film Festival, we sojourned at Norm and Connie's beautiful home in Atascadero to have a wonderful Italian buffet dinner. Johnee and Co. put together these 2 wonderful photos of the group. In the meantime, 5 adults (including me) were asked to come forward and perform an improv skit for the crowd - yeah, I can do that. Johnee says he videoed it, so maybe it'll see the light of day sometime. Until then, I can hope that it won't!
SLO: Mountain Biking, Backpacking and Hiking with I'm doing all my mountain biking rides through, so I encourage you to sign-up for the SLO Mountain Biking meetup group. I am also in the Central Coast Hiking meetup group. Finally, I am also in the SLO and Central Coast Backpacking meetup group. I encourage you SLO types to join all 3 and go on some great outings.
If you don't know what meetup is, read bout it by clicking here. Meetup is an online social networking portal that facilitates offline group meetings in various localities around the world. Meetup allows members to find and join groups unified by a common interest. For me, I joined the Mountain Biking, Backpacking, and Hiking meetup groups in San Luis Obispo - you should try it. We had a great ride yesterday (Saturday 12/14/2013) out at Montana de Oro.
Willow Springs Trail Work Day Friday 12/13 and Saturday 12/14/2013: Things are going well on this project. BUT we will definitely be working this Saturday. We've had a pretty good volunteer turnout so far but for sure need folks this Friday the 13th and Saturday the 14th, 2013. I think we are set for tomorrow (Thursday 12/12/2013) with some A.G. hikers and Forest Service folks.
Above: Manzanita tree next to a trail work tool (photo from Sunday 12/8/2013 trail work day at Santa Margarita Lake in SLO County. See trail tools for more information on the tools we use for building trails, including the McLeod tool above.
If you don't know what meetup is, read bout it by clicking here. Meetup is an online social networking portal that facilitates offline group meetings in various localities around the world. Meetup allows members to find and join groups unified by a common interest. For me, I joined the Mountain Biking, Backpacking, and Hiking meetup groups in San Luis Obispo - you should try it. We had a great ride yesterday (Saturday 12/14/2013) out at Montana de Oro.
Willow Springs Trail Work Day Friday 12/13 and Saturday 12/14/2013: Things are going well on this project. BUT we will definitely be working this Saturday. We've had a pretty good volunteer turnout so far but for sure need folks this Friday the 13th and Saturday the 14th, 2013. I think we are set for tomorrow (Thursday 12/12/2013) with some A.G. hikers and Forest Service folks.
Above: Manzanita tree next to a trail work tool (photo from Sunday 12/8/2013 trail work day at Santa Margarita Lake in SLO County. See trail tools for more information on the tools we use for building trails, including the McLeod tool above.
Sunday, December 8, 2013
OBAMACARE PART II: ObamaCare is Coming 1/1/2014 - Get Ready!
*****12/10/2013: Another quick update. Just got word from our Health Insurance Broker that since continuing our 2013 policy was not an option (killed by ObamaCare, according to Blue Shield of Calif.), the premium for the next closest thing available will cost nearly double our current rate, plus another $500 increase in our 4-figure deductible. As much as I hate to put the information out there publicly (because its nobodies business but ours), I will do it because the Obama administration claims folks like us don't exist (i.e., small group plans getting cancelled due to ObamaCare).
Here we go: we currently have Blue Shield's 2013 "PPO 1500" plan (named assumedly because it has a $1,500 per person deductible), which costs us $954 per month, which we consider a ton of money - basically, a good size mortgage payment in most parts of the country (but not California). The replacement plan for 2014 from Blue Shield will cost us approximately $1,780 per month with a $2,000 per person deductible - a good size mortgage even in California. This sucks!
Note that even at this late date, we are still awaiting other possible options from our Health Insurance Broker at Morris & Garritano, as there may be other options available. Stay tuned.
Here we go: we currently have Blue Shield's 2013 "PPO 1500" plan (named assumedly because it has a $1,500 per person deductible), which costs us $954 per month, which we consider a ton of money - basically, a good size mortgage payment in most parts of the country (but not California). The replacement plan for 2014 from Blue Shield will cost us approximately $1,780 per month with a $2,000 per person deductible - a good size mortgage even in California. This sucks!
Note that even at this late date, we are still awaiting other possible options from our Health Insurance Broker at Morris & Garritano, as there may be other options available. Stay tuned.
Saturday, November 23, 2013
SLO: Homelessness Issues
Homeless Shelter Overflow
Seeking Overnight Volunteers - No Experience Necessary: My friend John Cook (805) 440-5622 manages the homeless shelter overflow for the month of December every year at the Mt. Carmel Lutheran Church. He is seeking volunteers to help for the month of December. Please contact him if you can help. I will be doing 2 overnight shifts. When you volunteer, it gives a homeless family a safe warm place to sleep for the night, just like you get every night. Please help. No excuses. Call John now. Thank-you.
SAN LUIS OBISPO: City of SLO Spends $270,000 Fighting the Homeless (Jan. 2013): The local Tribune Newspaper report that the City of SLO ordered by Judge to pay attorneys fees in homeless case. The article describes how Superior Court Judge Crandall awarded approx. $134,000 in attorneys fees ($300 per hour) to attorneys Stewart Jenkins and Saro Rizzo for acting in the public interest, resulting in 99 criminal citations (sleeping in their vehicle) being dismissed, and re-shaping the formulation of various anti-homeless laws.
I just have to believe that the $270,000.00 spent by the city of SLO on this issue could have been better spent on dealing with the homeless problem, and associated problems. Its not a pretty issue or fun to deal with, but it is not going away, either.
Those who call these 2 lawyers greedy are being unfair; they did legal work, and the law (as interpreted by the Judge) said they were entitled to payment for their time. If you wanted to make that kind of money, you could have gone to law school, dental school, medical school, etc. or founded a profitable business. Hopefully, Jenkins and Rizzo donate some of their fees to homeless causes, but make no mistake, they earned it; they were at great risk of not making a penny for their work on behalf of the homeless population.
The Tribune put out another good article on January 12, 2013 entitled Homeless Situation in SLO Called a Crisis.
Tim's Summary of Homeless Issues: As stated before, homeless is a complex issue. Jobs are hard to find in California, with a stubborn 10% unemployment rate. Each homeless person has a different story to tell. Some are willing to work but cannot find work. Others are just not hirable due to personality quirks or their own homelessness or lack of recent employment. Others cannot find work due to mental or physical disability. Many cannot navigate the complex requirements of seeking government benefits. Many have no family or friends to turn to, or the other people in their sphere of influence are also just barely scraping by.
What is the solution? I do not know - that's what makes it such a difficult problem. I believe that there will always be homelessness, but that the local law enforcement and citizens should combat ancillary crime associated with that homelessness, such as burglary, theft, rape, assault, panhandling, litter, etc. SLO should not be an attractant to the homeless outside our area, but we should try to assist local homeless with ties to our community.
As I have said many times before, I believe that in our affluent society, we should be able to shelter and feed everyone, regardless of circumstance. Not luxury accommodations. Not gourmet food. But a roof that doesn't leak, a warm safe bed, and 2,000 calories a day of affordable, healthy food.
New Proposed CAPSLO Facility:I have come out against the proposed new homeless shelter facility with 200 beds that costs tens of millions of dollars. Take a look at the architectural plans for this behemoth. It looks more like a modern art museum than a facility for getting people back on their feet. Below is one of the images of the facility, and you might see why something a little bit more functional and affordable should be pursued:
SAN LUIS OBISPO: City of SLO Spends $270,000 Fighting the Homeless (Jan. 2013): The local Tribune Newspaper report that the City of SLO ordered by Judge to pay attorneys fees in homeless case. The article describes how Superior Court Judge Crandall awarded approx. $134,000 in attorneys fees ($300 per hour) to attorneys Stewart Jenkins and Saro Rizzo for acting in the public interest, resulting in 99 criminal citations (sleeping in their vehicle) being dismissed, and re-shaping the formulation of various anti-homeless laws.
I just have to believe that the $270,000.00 spent by the city of SLO on this issue could have been better spent on dealing with the homeless problem, and associated problems. Its not a pretty issue or fun to deal with, but it is not going away, either.
Those who call these 2 lawyers greedy are being unfair; they did legal work, and the law (as interpreted by the Judge) said they were entitled to payment for their time. If you wanted to make that kind of money, you could have gone to law school, dental school, medical school, etc. or founded a profitable business. Hopefully, Jenkins and Rizzo donate some of their fees to homeless causes, but make no mistake, they earned it; they were at great risk of not making a penny for their work on behalf of the homeless population.
The Tribune put out another good article on January 12, 2013 entitled Homeless Situation in SLO Called a Crisis.
Tim's Summary of Homeless Issues: As stated before, homeless is a complex issue. Jobs are hard to find in California, with a stubborn 10% unemployment rate. Each homeless person has a different story to tell. Some are willing to work but cannot find work. Others are just not hirable due to personality quirks or their own homelessness or lack of recent employment. Others cannot find work due to mental or physical disability. Many cannot navigate the complex requirements of seeking government benefits. Many have no family or friends to turn to, or the other people in their sphere of influence are also just barely scraping by.
What is the solution? I do not know - that's what makes it such a difficult problem. I believe that there will always be homelessness, but that the local law enforcement and citizens should combat ancillary crime associated with that homelessness, such as burglary, theft, rape, assault, panhandling, litter, etc. SLO should not be an attractant to the homeless outside our area, but we should try to assist local homeless with ties to our community.
As I have said many times before, I believe that in our affluent society, we should be able to shelter and feed everyone, regardless of circumstance. Not luxury accommodations. Not gourmet food. But a roof that doesn't leak, a warm safe bed, and 2,000 calories a day of affordable, healthy food.
New Proposed CAPSLO Facility:I have come out against the proposed new homeless shelter facility with 200 beds that costs tens of millions of dollars. Take a look at the architectural plans for this behemoth. It looks more like a modern art museum than a facility for getting people back on their feet. Below is one of the images of the facility, and you might see why something a little bit more functional and affordable should be pursued:
Tim's Homeless Guidelines: I have a few recommendations regarding homelessness:
- Do NOT give any money panhandlers on the street; instead, go through organizations like CAPSLO or the Food Bank or your local religious organization for donation of cash and goods.
- Talk to the homeless when you have a few minutes and you have no reason to fear for your safety (safe looking transients, safe location with other people around). It helps draw them in as participants in the community instead of pariahs.
- Personally, I will always buy a homeless person a cheap meal at McDonalds or the like - its inexpensive, you find out if they really are hungry or not (my experience: its about 50/50 whether they accept or not), and you don't feed their bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs, etc.)
- Volunteer through CAPSLO and their various programs (Prado Day Center, Maxine Lewis Memorial Shelter, Home Shelter Overflow, Food Bank, etc.).
My previous blog posts regarding the local Homeless Population:
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
WORLD: 2013 Centennials We are Celebrating!
The Gettysberg Address by Abraham Lincoln
150 Years Ago Today - Nov. 19, 1863
[Okay, its a Centennial and a half!]. Considered one of the greatest speechs of all time. There were 5 separate copies of the speech written in Lincoln's own hand. Each differ somewhat and you can read and see the 5 different copies here.
Above: one of the original copies of the Gettysberg Address in Lincoln's own handwriting. This is the "Hay" copy and is considered to be the 2nd draft of the Address, so it differs somewhat from the final version.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
HALLOWEEN 2013: Final Damage Report!
*****October 31, 2013 Last Halloween Update! We came down to El Segundo for Rick and Brian's annual Haunted House with the theme "All Clowns, All the Time". We were joined by our friends Dan and Paula, Nancy, and Barni, as well as our son Andrew. Rick, Brian and crew once again did a great job on the House, and I believe we pulled in about a 1,000 people going through. Some photos to commemorate the night. Hope you can join us next year and have some fun! Click on photos below to enlarge.
Above: Cast of Actors that provided the scares inside the Clown House. Note that Sue would appear to be out of costume, because she was a chair (yes, a chair!).
Above: Brian, Rick, Laura in amazing costumes!
Above: Brian, Rick, Laura in amazing costumes!
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
NATION: Red Tape for Private Businesses Only...
...Because Those Regs are Too Burdensome for Government!
Introduction: Our employment law firm represents businesses, and not plaintiff's or government entities. Over the years, we have observed that our government at all levels passes laws that do NOT apply to them, but ONLY to private employers. Their reasoning? The regulations are too burdensome for them! Shocking? Hardly.
Note that I am NOT making the case that these regulations are good or bad. That will vary from case to case. However, I believe that in most cases, the onerous regulations are bad. After all, if they were good, wouldn't the government adopt the regs for themselves? I am simply pointing out the disparity under which public and private entities operate.
I will compile some examples to try and convince that this inequity exists. Read on, taxpayers...
*****Example (October 2013) Do NOT Pay Congress During ANY Shutdown: Congress (the House and the Senate) should NOT get paid during any government shutdown. Furthermore, they should NOT get backpay once the federal government is back in operation. I think this may end government shutdowns?
*****Example (October 2013) Congress Should Complete Their Own Tax Returns: Congress Should Complete Their Own Tax Returns: Make them go into a room (with food, drinks, and bathrooms) and not let them come out until they have completed their own IRS Federal and State Tax Returns. Let them only get help from online IRS websites and IRS help lines (no special lines for Congress). Tax returns have gotten so complicated, due to the new and confusing tax laws that get enacted every year. If Congress had to do their own, I believe that we'd find tax simplification legislation gets passed quickly. Instead, each year it gets more complicated, and the people have to suffer, through our hopelessly complicated tax code.
*****Example (August 2013) Congress's ObamaCare Exemption: First, the White House ignored ObamaCare by suspending the employer mandate for a full year, delaying the employer mandate from going into effect on Jan. 1, 2014. Instead, the mandate kicks in on Jan. 1, 2015. How can they take the concrete "effective dates" and change them? They just do, because they just can.
Now we have Congress's ObamaCare Exemption. The Affordable Care Act requires Members of Congress and their staffs to participate in the health insurance exchanges. The reason? to gain firsthand experience with what they have imposed on their constituents. All good so far.
This amendment requiring Congress to participate in ObamaCare was passed in 2009 and the Finance Committee unanimously passed this rule. The chairman of the committee was pleased that Congress had so much confidence in ObamaCare that they are going to participate in it themselves! Still good so far.
Then they found out what they signed up for: A health insurance program for the unwashed masses (that's us, folks). Horrified that they were actually going to have to wallow around in the dirt with rest of us, they realized that this situation could not stand. A fix was needed to elevate themselves above the lowly taxpayer. Thus, another (illegal?) exception to ObamaCare was carved out, this time for themselves and their staffs.
The bottom line: Congress and their staffs will receive (illegal?) extra payments from the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) that will run between $5,000 and $10,000 per person or family. Will we get these same perks? Not in your wildest dreams! Its good to be the King! Read more here. seems to say otherwise, but the claim here is that Congress will receive extra payments from FEHBP to compensate for additional costs associated with being enrolled in ObamaCare - something that does not address. This may have to play out a little longer for us to find out what is really going on - if we ever do. Read what says on this subject here. Look for an update here once we find out more. Stay tuned.
The problem is that public pensions lack the basic safety nets that private sector benefits "enjoy". Pensions granted by private employers are insured by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. and regulated by federal law. Note that employers pay an insurance premium for this coverage - it is NOT free. Public pensions, on the other hand, are not entangled by such burdensome pension regulation.
You can read more about this in an article from July 19, 2013 in the Wall Street Journal. Good luck, Detroit!
Introduction: Our employment law firm represents businesses, and not plaintiff's or government entities. Over the years, we have observed that our government at all levels passes laws that do NOT apply to them, but ONLY to private employers. Their reasoning? The regulations are too burdensome for them! Shocking? Hardly.
Note that I am NOT making the case that these regulations are good or bad. That will vary from case to case. However, I believe that in most cases, the onerous regulations are bad. After all, if they were good, wouldn't the government adopt the regs for themselves? I am simply pointing out the disparity under which public and private entities operate.
I will compile some examples to try and convince that this inequity exists. Read on, taxpayers...
*****Example (October 2013) Do NOT Pay Congress During ANY Shutdown: Congress (the House and the Senate) should NOT get paid during any government shutdown. Furthermore, they should NOT get backpay once the federal government is back in operation. I think this may end government shutdowns?
*****Example (October 2013) Congress Should Complete Their Own Tax Returns: Congress Should Complete Their Own Tax Returns: Make them go into a room (with food, drinks, and bathrooms) and not let them come out until they have completed their own IRS Federal and State Tax Returns. Let them only get help from online IRS websites and IRS help lines (no special lines for Congress). Tax returns have gotten so complicated, due to the new and confusing tax laws that get enacted every year. If Congress had to do their own, I believe that we'd find tax simplification legislation gets passed quickly. Instead, each year it gets more complicated, and the people have to suffer, through our hopelessly complicated tax code.
*****Example (August 2013) Congress's ObamaCare Exemption: First, the White House ignored ObamaCare by suspending the employer mandate for a full year, delaying the employer mandate from going into effect on Jan. 1, 2014. Instead, the mandate kicks in on Jan. 1, 2015. How can they take the concrete "effective dates" and change them? They just do, because they just can.
Now we have Congress's ObamaCare Exemption. The Affordable Care Act requires Members of Congress and their staffs to participate in the health insurance exchanges. The reason? to gain firsthand experience with what they have imposed on their constituents. All good so far.
This amendment requiring Congress to participate in ObamaCare was passed in 2009 and the Finance Committee unanimously passed this rule. The chairman of the committee was pleased that Congress had so much confidence in ObamaCare that they are going to participate in it themselves! Still good so far.
Then they found out what they signed up for: A health insurance program for the unwashed masses (that's us, folks). Horrified that they were actually going to have to wallow around in the dirt with rest of us, they realized that this situation could not stand. A fix was needed to elevate themselves above the lowly taxpayer. Thus, another (illegal?) exception to ObamaCare was carved out, this time for themselves and their staffs.
The bottom line: Congress and their staffs will receive (illegal?) extra payments from the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) that will run between $5,000 and $10,000 per person or family. Will we get these same perks? Not in your wildest dreams! Its good to be the King! Read more here. seems to say otherwise, but the claim here is that Congress will receive extra payments from FEHBP to compensate for additional costs associated with being enrolled in ObamaCare - something that does not address. This may have to play out a little longer for us to find out what is really going on - if we ever do. Read what says on this subject here. Look for an update here once we find out more. Stay tuned.
*****Example (July 2013) Detroit Bankruptcy Pensions: The city of Detroit is going through a bankruptcy situation, due primarily to generous pension benefits awarded to city workers in the 1980's. Much of this generosity was tied to overly optimistic forecasts regarding investment gains for pension funds. The city can no longer afford to fund their pension system.
The problem is that public pensions lack the basic safety nets that private sector benefits "enjoy". Pensions granted by private employers are insured by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp. and regulated by federal law. Note that employers pay an insurance premium for this coverage - it is NOT free. Public pensions, on the other hand, are not entangled by such burdensome pension regulation.
You can read more about this in an article from July 19, 2013 in the Wall Street Journal. Good luck, Detroit!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
PERSONAL: Tim's Investment Page
If you use any advice from this page,
then you get whatever you deserve!
No sage advice here - just some interesting investment notes. Hey kids, get yourself an education in investing - it'll pay off for a lifetime. In the meantime, boring pages like this one deserve a beautiful photo like this one (2 kayakers at Morro Bay at Sunset, taken 10/6/2013 at the Harbor Festival in Morro Bay):
I'll start with a financial saying stolen from the "From the Mind of WAAG" page (yes, some things do overlap):
Others-13: You make your best investments (buys) when people are overwhelmingly fearful. (Another version of this is"Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful". Here's an article on the subject: Buffett's Crisis-Lending Haul Reaches $10 Billion. This statement is commonly and frequently attributed to Warren Buffet, the "Oracle of Omaha", considered to be the best investor of our times. Its another version of "buy low, sell high". When others are fearful, that is when you make the best deals, if you have the guts to do so. During the market crash of 2007-2008, we had cash to invest, but were fearful and did not, finding security in our cash - while all of our investments except Gold (GLD) were tanking. If we had followed the Oracle's sage advice, we'd be in a better financial place today. Alas, we felt that being able to sleep at night was a better option at the time).
I've just started with these, but as I recall my lifelong financial wisdom, those things will show up here.
REVERSION TO THE MEAN (10/8/2013): The best way to predict market bubbles. Its the financial version of "whatever goes up, must come down". It means that over time, things that have become overvalued will eventually revert back to their traditional value. Commonly used in stocks in reference to market P/E's, or Price to Earnings ratio for a given stock, or in the case of the stocket market, the market-cap weighted P/E.
TIPS (10/8/2013): Inflation protected bonds, issued by our very own US government. Never invested in TIPS and glad that I didn't. I like to keep things simply, and was never fully comfortable with what they would do for me in the event of inflation, and more importantly, what they would do for me if there was no inflation. Well, between 1/1/2013 and 9/30/2013, TIPS returned negative 6.3%. Warren Buffet always said that you should never invest in something you don't understand, and I'm glad that I didn't! Inflation is nowhere in sight.
BOB BRINKER'S MARKET TIMER (10/8/2013): I have been a subscriber for more than 15 years, and appreciate his measured advice on investing.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
PERSONAL: The waterman has fallen, the wave continues on (Part III)
Good luck to all the Scuba Divers out there this opening week trying to grab some early season bugs. Stay safe! (don't do anything too stupid! :-)
Dive N' Surf (Redondo Beach, California) held their 37th Annual Lobster Mobster Contest on September 27th, 2013 between Midnight and 9am. I was not a participant this year, as I was out lobster diving in the Northern Channel Islands. However, I still want to share the art for the official Lobster Mobster T-shirt, as it is kind of a final memorial to Bill and Bob Meistrell, founders of Dive N' Surf in 1953 and Body Glove in 1965. The art for the T-shirt was derived from this early photo of Bob and Bill's lobster catch:
Dive N' Surf (Redondo Beach, California) held their 37th Annual Lobster Mobster Contest on September 27th, 2013 between Midnight and 9am. I was not a participant this year, as I was out lobster diving in the Northern Channel Islands. However, I still want to share the art for the official Lobster Mobster T-shirt, as it is kind of a final memorial to Bill and Bob Meistrell, founders of Dive N' Surf in 1953 and Body Glove in 1965. The art for the T-shirt was derived from this early photo of Bob and Bill's lobster catch:
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
NATION: Live Within Your Means and There is No Shutdown!
What does the Tea Party Stand For? I found this website on the Tea Party Platform, which is summarized below.
The Tea Party Movement is an all-inclusive American grassroots movement with the belief that everyone is created equal and deserves an equal opportunity to thrive in these United States where they may “pursue life, liberty and happiness” as stated in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. No one is excluded from participation in the Tea Party Movement. Everyone is welcomed to join in seeking to achieve the Tea Party Movement goals, which are as follows:
1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
4. Protect Free Markets
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
7. Reduce the Overall Size of Government
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence
I am an independent, moderate conservative, but support the above goals of the Tea Party and do not believe that they are a close-minded, racist group of bigots (as they are most often portrayed in the media.
No Federal Government Shutdown: If the spendthrifts in Washington DC only spent what they took in taxes, there would be no extension of the debt ceiling, and thus no government shutdown! Hey Congress and Obama - spend within your means and the government continues to run - ever think about that?
Federal Employees Get Paid to Not Work: During the shutdown, Congress and the President get paid, while 800,000 federal workers do not! This is an outrageous practice and should end immediately. Also, while the workers are furloughed, they do not work and do not get paid. However, after the government is back up and running, Congress will enact legislation to pay those 800,000 for the time they did not work, thus turning this shut-down (once again) into paid vacation. This too should stop.
Reference: This article shows the federal government deficits and surpluses between 1940 and 2013. It includes the deficit in current dollars of that year, as well as inflation-adjusted dollars of today. You should read that article before continuing with this one.
Teach your children well: We taught our children to live within their means, as well as to save 10 to 15% of everything they make in their entire lives, no matter how little they make. If you save it, you'll never know what you are missing. We believe this to be wise advice. Its even good advice for all government entities (federal, state and local). In fact, it applies even more so for to our government, because they are spending someone else's money (i.e., the taxpayer's hard-earned money).
Upcoming Federal Borrowing Cap Limit: In mid-November 2013, we are forecast to hit our $16,700,000,000,000 federal budget cap. Congress must give its approval in order to increase this borrowing limit, thus creating (yet another) budget showdown between the D's and the R's. The CBO (Congressional Budget Office) is forecasting a federal budget deficit of somewhere around $700,000,000,000 for the current federal fiscal year ending September 30, 2013.
CBO reports that federal health care (mainly Medicare) and retirement programs (mainly Social Security) are overwhelming the budget. This will harm the economy in coming decades unless measures are taken now to get it under control. It will overwhelm our children and grandchildren, as they will be the ones that have to pay it back. Yet, "living within their means" will never happen because politicians like to have fun spending the taxpayer's money, instead of being miserly and saving it.
Ultimately, it is the people's fault because we elect these politicians. Since we have now passed a threshold where more than half of all people in America receive government aid, voters will, IMHO, be increasingly likely to vote for politicians that will ensure that the government help checks continue. Eventually, logically, the system will collapse. Hopefully, I will be dead by then, but it is likely that my children will still alive to bear the brunt of my generation's burdens. Sorry boys. Time will tell.
Yes, another boring topic - budget deficits - I realize that. Sometimes boring can also be important, as in this case. Think about our future. Do the right thing. Somebody. Anybody.
The New York times has a bunch of articles on the upcoming debt ceiling battle. None of them talk about how the federal government should live within their means (i.e., spend only what you take in, and don't borrow). Here's an article that contemplates what it would be like if we managed your family's budget like our government manages their budget. Truly pathetic.
The Tea Party Movement is an all-inclusive American grassroots movement with the belief that everyone is created equal and deserves an equal opportunity to thrive in these United States where they may “pursue life, liberty and happiness” as stated in the Declaration of Independence and guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. No one is excluded from participation in the Tea Party Movement. Everyone is welcomed to join in seeking to achieve the Tea Party Movement goals, which are as follows:
1. Eliminate Excessive Taxes
2. Eliminate the National Debt
3. Eliminate Deficit Spending
4. Protect Free Markets
5. Abide by the Constitution of the United States
6. Promote Civic Responsibility
7. Reduce the Overall Size of Government
8. Believe in the People
9. Avoid the Pitfalls of Politics
10. Maintain Local Independence
I am an independent, moderate conservative, but support the above goals of the Tea Party and do not believe that they are a close-minded, racist group of bigots (as they are most often portrayed in the media.
No Federal Government Shutdown: If the spendthrifts in Washington DC only spent what they took in taxes, there would be no extension of the debt ceiling, and thus no government shutdown! Hey Congress and Obama - spend within your means and the government continues to run - ever think about that?
Federal Employees Get Paid to Not Work: During the shutdown, Congress and the President get paid, while 800,000 federal workers do not! This is an outrageous practice and should end immediately. Also, while the workers are furloughed, they do not work and do not get paid. However, after the government is back up and running, Congress will enact legislation to pay those 800,000 for the time they did not work, thus turning this shut-down (once again) into paid vacation. This too should stop.
Reference: This article shows the federal government deficits and surpluses between 1940 and 2013. It includes the deficit in current dollars of that year, as well as inflation-adjusted dollars of today. You should read that article before continuing with this one.
Teach your children well: We taught our children to live within their means, as well as to save 10 to 15% of everything they make in their entire lives, no matter how little they make. If you save it, you'll never know what you are missing. We believe this to be wise advice. Its even good advice for all government entities (federal, state and local). In fact, it applies even more so for to our government, because they are spending someone else's money (i.e., the taxpayer's hard-earned money).
Upcoming Federal Borrowing Cap Limit: In mid-November 2013, we are forecast to hit our $16,700,000,000,000 federal budget cap. Congress must give its approval in order to increase this borrowing limit, thus creating (yet another) budget showdown between the D's and the R's. The CBO (Congressional Budget Office) is forecasting a federal budget deficit of somewhere around $700,000,000,000 for the current federal fiscal year ending September 30, 2013.
CBO reports that federal health care (mainly Medicare) and retirement programs (mainly Social Security) are overwhelming the budget. This will harm the economy in coming decades unless measures are taken now to get it under control. It will overwhelm our children and grandchildren, as they will be the ones that have to pay it back. Yet, "living within their means" will never happen because politicians like to have fun spending the taxpayer's money, instead of being miserly and saving it.
Ultimately, it is the people's fault because we elect these politicians. Since we have now passed a threshold where more than half of all people in America receive government aid, voters will, IMHO, be increasingly likely to vote for politicians that will ensure that the government help checks continue. Eventually, logically, the system will collapse. Hopefully, I will be dead by then, but it is likely that my children will still alive to bear the brunt of my generation's burdens. Sorry boys. Time will tell.
Yes, another boring topic - budget deficits - I realize that. Sometimes boring can also be important, as in this case. Think about our future. Do the right thing. Somebody. Anybody.
The New York times has a bunch of articles on the upcoming debt ceiling battle. None of them talk about how the federal government should live within their means (i.e., spend only what you take in, and don't borrow). Here's an article that contemplates what it would be like if we managed your family's budget like our government manages their budget. Truly pathetic.
Monday, September 16, 2013
PERSONAL: The waterman has fallen, the wave continues on (Part II)
Bob Meistrell's paddle-out and memorial service took place in Redondo Beach, California on 9/15/2013. Read this excellent article that covered the event: 1,000 Surfers Take To the Water To Honor Surf Legend Bob Meistrell as well as this article from the Easy Reader.
Sue and I were there to pay our respects to one of the legends of the diving and surfing world. But more than that, Bob was a person who always had time for the "little people" like us. He always had a smile on his face, and words of encouragement. Thanks Bob (and the entire Meistrell family) and also to Ricky and Scott, for creating the opportunity for me to become a Scuba instructor at Dive N' Surf. It was an amazing dream come true for me. I never thought I had it in me, but they sure did, and they were right!
My Dad, Bob Waag, got certified at Dive N' Surf some time early in the 1960's, and I was proud to be teaching divers at that same location where he learned to dive.
Below: Some photos from the paddle out and memorial (click to enlarge). Thanks to our friends Tom and Jill for sharing this important event with us, and letting us crash at their place in Hermosa Beach!
Above: I brought a flower from twin brother Bill's 2006 paddle out. I swam out with it and gave it to his son, Billie, who said he had not saved one from his Dad's memorial and would keep it forever. That was an awesome moment for me. I knew Billie from my days at Dive N' Surf, though I'm sure he doesn't remember me!
Sue and I were there to pay our respects to one of the legends of the diving and surfing world. But more than that, Bob was a person who always had time for the "little people" like us. He always had a smile on his face, and words of encouragement. Thanks Bob (and the entire Meistrell family) and also to Ricky and Scott, for creating the opportunity for me to become a Scuba instructor at Dive N' Surf. It was an amazing dream come true for me. I never thought I had it in me, but they sure did, and they were right!
My Dad, Bob Waag, got certified at Dive N' Surf some time early in the 1960's, and I was proud to be teaching divers at that same location where he learned to dive.
Below: Some photos from the paddle out and memorial (click to enlarge). Thanks to our friends Tom and Jill for sharing this important event with us, and letting us crash at their place in Hermosa Beach!
Above: I brought a flower from twin brother Bill's 2006 paddle out. I swam out with it and gave it to his son, Billie, who said he had not saved one from his Dad's memorial and would keep it forever. That was an awesome moment for me. I knew Billie from my days at Dive N' Surf, though I'm sure he doesn't remember me!
Thursday, September 5, 2013
INTERNATIONAL: Obama Puts Syria Issue in the Rear View Mirror for Good!
This issue has become so silly that I had to comment. Sorry if its boring!
Obama's Syria Chronology:
• 2 years ago: "The time has come for Assad to step aside". No action taken.
• 1 year ago: "Any Syrian use of chemical weapons would cross a Red Line, leading to enormous consequences". No action taken.
• 8 months or so ago: Congress authorizes the president to arm the Syrian rebels. To date, no arms have been supplied to the rebels.
• Early in 2013, Assad was believed to have crossed Obama's Red Line. No Obama speaches about it, and no action taken.
• Late August 2013: Assad uses bio-terror gasses, with an estimated 1,400 Syrians killed. Obama says that his proof is absolute. No action taken - yet.
• Last week: The president has the authority to bomb Syria with or without congressional approval.
• Yesterday (9/4/2013): I didn't set that Red Line. The world set that line. I am seeking congressional approval to bomb Syria. However, if Congress does not approve, it is still my decision whether to bomb them or not (my paraphrase).
• Russia misses all the deadlines on the disarming and disposing of the Syria chemical weapons stockpile (Putin's plan all along), and the federal government shut-down puts the Syria issue on the back-burner forever! Smooth moves, Prez.!
If I was in Congress, my vote on permission to engage Syria directly on the Syrian chemical weapons would be: Present. I would tell Obama that I learned that technique from him, when in his single full term in the Senate, he voted present on all contentious issues so as not to have a voting record that could be used against him in his run for the Presidency.
Obama has told Congress that their vote does not matter. He has, in one swift sentence, disrespected both houses of Congress. Why should they vote, when regardless of how they vote (yay or nay), he will do what he wants? If it is an opinion poll of Congress that he seeks, and if I were a Congressman, I would tell the president where I stand on the issue, thus giving him his opinion poll. But I would not give him the satisfaction of a vote that he has told me to my face would not count for anything.
Alternate ending number 1: If Obama's looking for a strong statement to make in the middle east, he should bomb Iran's nuclear bomb building facility before they produce a viable nuke.
Alternate ending number 2: Let the Arab League and their neighbors take action. Syria is next door to them, and they have much to lose from getting sucked into the Syrian civil war. These countries (many of them oil-rich ) have the cash, and we have sold them the weaponry. Let Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya, Turkey, Yemen, etc. patrol their own backyard, and clean up their own house. If the world wants to blame anyone for doing nothing, they should blame the rest of the middle east sitting on their hands and doing nothing.
Alternate ending number 3: Whether we act or passively sit by, all middle eastern countries will hate us. If we save muslim lives, they hate us. If we do nothing, they hate us. Why? Because we are foreigners that have invaded their lands. Until somebody proves to me otherwise, the Syrian civil war appears to be pitting one group of our enemies against another. Let them kill each other. Our own American civil war killed a very large percentage of our population, allowing us to duke it out, decide a winner, and make our country a much better one. Maybe Syria should go through the same process? If a peaceful, democratic country emerges, then its a win for us. If Syria comes out with another despotic dictator at the helm, then we're no worse off than before.
• Putin and Russia, the closest allies and supporters of Syria gets involved. Putin writes an Op-Ed in the New York Times "A Please For Caution from Russia" on 9/11/2013 (of all dates). Putin now controls the situation and the dialog - oh yeah!
• Putin and Russia have taken on the responsibility of working with Syria and Assad to remove all of their bio weapons and dispose of them. Yeah, that's gonna happen - NOT! This however, gets Obama off the hook, as he feigns complete trust in those Russian fellers to do what they say they will. Now, it is out of Obama's hands for good, and he can go back to the task at hand of hammering the Republicans and non-negotiating with them.
• Putin pull a North Korea and say all the right things, pretend to be doing something, while actually never doing anything to take a single ounce of actual chemical weapons out of the hands of Syria. Putin will either pretend to try but fail (its too difficult, with the civil war going on and all), or say that Syria does not have any chemical weapons after all (perhaps they've fallen into the hands of those awful rebels), or (my favorite option) haul away something that looks alot like chemical weapons (but actually isn't) and destroy them in Russia once and for all (until Assad somehow uses chemical weapons again - maybe Russia missed a few? they'll say). How naive we are.
Obama's Syria Chronology:
• 2 years ago: "The time has come for Assad to step aside". No action taken.
• 1 year ago: "Any Syrian use of chemical weapons would cross a Red Line, leading to enormous consequences". No action taken.
• 8 months or so ago: Congress authorizes the president to arm the Syrian rebels. To date, no arms have been supplied to the rebels.
• Early in 2013, Assad was believed to have crossed Obama's Red Line. No Obama speaches about it, and no action taken.
• Late August 2013: Assad uses bio-terror gasses, with an estimated 1,400 Syrians killed. Obama says that his proof is absolute. No action taken - yet.
• Last week: The president has the authority to bomb Syria with or without congressional approval.
• Yesterday (9/4/2013): I didn't set that Red Line. The world set that line. I am seeking congressional approval to bomb Syria. However, if Congress does not approve, it is still my decision whether to bomb them or not (my paraphrase).
• Russia misses all the deadlines on the disarming and disposing of the Syria chemical weapons stockpile (Putin's plan all along), and the federal government shut-down puts the Syria issue on the back-burner forever! Smooth moves, Prez.!
If I was in Congress, my vote on permission to engage Syria directly on the Syrian chemical weapons would be: Present. I would tell Obama that I learned that technique from him, when in his single full term in the Senate, he voted present on all contentious issues so as not to have a voting record that could be used against him in his run for the Presidency.
Obama has told Congress that their vote does not matter. He has, in one swift sentence, disrespected both houses of Congress. Why should they vote, when regardless of how they vote (yay or nay), he will do what he wants? If it is an opinion poll of Congress that he seeks, and if I were a Congressman, I would tell the president where I stand on the issue, thus giving him his opinion poll. But I would not give him the satisfaction of a vote that he has told me to my face would not count for anything.
Alternate ending number 1: If Obama's looking for a strong statement to make in the middle east, he should bomb Iran's nuclear bomb building facility before they produce a viable nuke.
Alternate ending number 2: Let the Arab League and their neighbors take action. Syria is next door to them, and they have much to lose from getting sucked into the Syrian civil war. These countries (many of them oil-rich ) have the cash, and we have sold them the weaponry. Let Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Libya, Turkey, Yemen, etc. patrol their own backyard, and clean up their own house. If the world wants to blame anyone for doing nothing, they should blame the rest of the middle east sitting on their hands and doing nothing.
Alternate ending number 3: Whether we act or passively sit by, all middle eastern countries will hate us. If we save muslim lives, they hate us. If we do nothing, they hate us. Why? Because we are foreigners that have invaded their lands. Until somebody proves to me otherwise, the Syrian civil war appears to be pitting one group of our enemies against another. Let them kill each other. Our own American civil war killed a very large percentage of our population, allowing us to duke it out, decide a winner, and make our country a much better one. Maybe Syria should go through the same process? If a peaceful, democratic country emerges, then its a win for us. If Syria comes out with another despotic dictator at the helm, then we're no worse off than before.
• Putin and Russia, the closest allies and supporters of Syria gets involved. Putin writes an Op-Ed in the New York Times "A Please For Caution from Russia" on 9/11/2013 (of all dates). Putin now controls the situation and the dialog - oh yeah!
• Putin and Russia have taken on the responsibility of working with Syria and Assad to remove all of their bio weapons and dispose of them. Yeah, that's gonna happen - NOT! This however, gets Obama off the hook, as he feigns complete trust in those Russian fellers to do what they say they will. Now, it is out of Obama's hands for good, and he can go back to the task at hand of hammering the Republicans and non-negotiating with them.
• Putin pull a North Korea and say all the right things, pretend to be doing something, while actually never doing anything to take a single ounce of actual chemical weapons out of the hands of Syria. Putin will either pretend to try but fail (its too difficult, with the civil war going on and all), or say that Syria does not have any chemical weapons after all (perhaps they've fallen into the hands of those awful rebels), or (my favorite option) haul away something that looks alot like chemical weapons (but actually isn't) and destroy them in Russia once and for all (until Assad somehow uses chemical weapons again - maybe Russia missed a few? they'll say). How naive we are.
Thursday, August 29, 2013
PERSONAL: The waterman has fallen, the wave continues on (Part I)
*****UPDATE 9/13/2013 (from Tony V.)
*****UPDATE 8/29/2013 (from Tony V.)
Above (click to enlarge): Ok, I "borrowed" this from the Body Glove website (link below). I'll give it back, I promise. Thanks for letting me "borrow" it.
Bob Meistrell Passes Away on June 16, 2013.
The waterman has fallen, the wave continues on. Join his family and friends for the traditional paddle-out to honor the life of waterman Bob Meistrell.
September 15, 2013 from 9am to 3pm, just south of the Redondo Pier.
Please join us for Bob Meistrell's Memorial Paddle out and Reception. The Paddle out will take place just south of the Redondo Beach Pier at 9:00 am. Following the paddle out we will be hosting a reception at 11:00 which will be held at Seaside Lagoon, 200 Portofino Way, Redondo Beach, Ca. 90277. For more information please email
All divers, surfers, and waterman welcome. Please feel free to invite all friends and family to this event. Body Glove link to this event on facebook (click this sentence).
*****UPDATE 7/5/2013: (from Tom T.)
*****UPDATE 6/20/2013: Dive N' Surf just posted this article about Bob on their website: Body Glove Co-Founder and Wetsuit Pioneer Passes at 84. The first paragraph of the article pulls you into the special magic of Bobby Meistrell:
As one of the "little people", I consider myself lucky just to have known Bob - one of the most special people I have ever met. Somehow, he always remembered who I was, even though I left Dive N' Surf in 1992 when we moved to San Luis Obispo. There is a saying about "character is about how you treat a person who can do nothing for you." Even though Bob was a successful businessman and California legend, he always had a moment or two for someone like me, who could do nothing for him. Bob is one of those rare people who could light up any room, just by being in it. It is an honor for me to have known Bob, even just a tiny bit, and my life is better having known him. Though I do not posess Bob's charisma and charm, I strive to make other people's lives better because I walked this planet, and to leave the world a better place. Bob has been a role model and an inspiration to me, and I hope that the huge shadow that he leaves behind will be a role model for his kids and family. Bob definitely made this planet a better place, and that is the highest compliment that can be paid to anyone. As the Dive N' Surf saying goes, he "kept this ocean blue."
Everybody who met Bob (and Bill, his twin brother, who passed away in 2006) is practically guaranteed to have a Bob Meistrell story to tell. I am no different. Right now, it is hard to be sad that such a wonderful person has left this planet, because Bob did indeed live life to the fullest - perhaps more than any person I have ever met. Also, at 84 years old at his passing, it is hard to argue that he went before his time. This leaves us with all the wonderful memories of a person that will never be forgotten - ever. RIP, Bob. Blessing to all his friends and family.
Read more about Bob's life in this Daily Breeze newspaper article, "Body Glove Founder Bob Meistrell Dies".
Sunday 9/15/2013 9am is the paddle out. It will take place just South of the Redondo Beach Pier. I'll be bringing a flower that I kept from Bill Meistrell's 2006 memorial to toss into the flowers on the water at Bob's memorial. Seems kind of poetic to join the two twins back together for their departure from this world.
Reception to follow on Sunday 11am - 3pm at Seaside Lagoon. I will be there, and you can reach me on my cell phone at eight-oh-five 44 zero - nine 1 4 four (please call me if you will be there).
Soon Bill and Bob, the Meistrell twins, will be memorialized forever at Redondo's Seaside Lagoon. Its a great honor for them, and well-deserved, IMO. Below is the statue (click to enlarge).
To donate to the memorial sculpture project, send a check payable to “Redondo Beach Chamber Community Foundation” to the Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce, 200 Pacific Coast Highway, Redondo Beach, CA, 90277.
To donate to the memorial sculpture project, send a check payable to “Redondo Beach Chamber Community Foundation” to the Redondo Beach Chamber of Commerce, 200 Pacific Coast Highway, Redondo Beach, CA, 90277.
*****UPDATE 8/29/2013 (from Tony V.)
Above (click to enlarge): Ok, I "borrowed" this from the Body Glove website (link below). I'll give it back, I promise. Thanks for letting me "borrow" it.
Bob Meistrell Passes Away on June 16, 2013.
The waterman has fallen, the wave continues on. Join his family and friends for the traditional paddle-out to honor the life of waterman Bob Meistrell.
September 15, 2013 from 9am to 3pm, just south of the Redondo Pier.
Please join us for Bob Meistrell's Memorial Paddle out and Reception. The Paddle out will take place just south of the Redondo Beach Pier at 9:00 am. Following the paddle out we will be hosting a reception at 11:00 which will be held at Seaside Lagoon, 200 Portofino Way, Redondo Beach, Ca. 90277. For more information please email
All divers, surfers, and waterman welcome. Please feel free to invite all friends and family to this event. Body Glove link to this event on facebook (click this sentence).
*****UPDATE 7/5/2013: (from Tom T.)
"All: I heard today that services for Bobby Meistrell will be held on Sunday Sept. 15th. There will be a paddle out on the South side of Redondo Pier in front of Veteran’s Park and services will begin in the water at about 9:45 am. Following the paddle there will be a gathering at the Seaside Lagoon to tell stories about Bobby and enjoy a Carl's Jr. burger or a taco."
I am going to try and make this special occasion to show my respects for Bob's wonderful life. Hope you can make it also. Like Bill and Bob's life, it will not only be a chance to show "pay your respects", but it should also be a lot of fun, which is how they would have wanted it.
Above (click to enlarge): "borrowed" from the website. So beautifully done...
Above (click to enlarge): Bob, me, and Patty at a special event in 2006. Bob and Patty were always kind enough to stop, say a kind word, have a laugh, and take a picture with us, like this one above.
*****UPDATE 6/20/2013: Dive N' Surf just posted this article about Bob on their website: Body Glove Co-Founder and Wetsuit Pioneer Passes at 84. The first paragraph of the article pulls you into the special magic of Bobby Meistrell:
"With heavy hearts the Meistrell family is sad to announce the passing of Bob Meistrell, waterman, adventurer and the co-founder of Body Glove International and Dive N’ Surf Inc. He had a wonderful life, and would have been 85 next month. He lived his motto of “Do what you love, love what you do.” until his last day when he was on his boat, The Disappearance. He was coming back from Catalina as the lead boat in the Rock 2 Rock Paddleboard Race."
I also found this article at Transworld Surf that indicates that a book about the Meistrell Brothers will be out in the Fall of 2013 entitled "Fits Like a Glove: The Bill and Bob Meistrell Story". Here's a quote from the article:
"Bob and his twin brother Bill, who passed away in 2006, helped to create the 'Surf Culture,' which changed the world, beginning with their designing, manufacturing and selling of the first commercially viable neoprene wetsuits. Bob and Bill are two of only three watermen to be inducted into the Surfers and Divers Hall of Fame. This year Body Glove International celebrates its 60 Year Anniversary, and Bob and Bill’s presence will be deeply missed. Even though they are gone, their stories and adventures will live on in a book 'Fits Like a Glove' that will be released this Fall. Bob and his brother Bill, will always be remembered as true waterman, honest businessmen, loving fathers, and overall legends."
*****ORIGINAL ARTICLE 6/17/2013: I just got word via email today that California waterman Bob Meistrell passed away on June 16, 2013. Sad to hear. I will try to be down for the Memorial in Southern California if possible.
As one of the "little people", I consider myself lucky just to have known Bob - one of the most special people I have ever met. Somehow, he always remembered who I was, even though I left Dive N' Surf in 1992 when we moved to San Luis Obispo. There is a saying about "character is about how you treat a person who can do nothing for you." Even though Bob was a successful businessman and California legend, he always had a moment or two for someone like me, who could do nothing for him. Bob is one of those rare people who could light up any room, just by being in it. It is an honor for me to have known Bob, even just a tiny bit, and my life is better having known him. Though I do not posess Bob's charisma and charm, I strive to make other people's lives better because I walked this planet, and to leave the world a better place. Bob has been a role model and an inspiration to me, and I hope that the huge shadow that he leaves behind will be a role model for his kids and family. Bob definitely made this planet a better place, and that is the highest compliment that can be paid to anyone. As the Dive N' Surf saying goes, he "kept this ocean blue."
Everybody who met Bob (and Bill, his twin brother, who passed away in 2006) is practically guaranteed to have a Bob Meistrell story to tell. I am no different. Right now, it is hard to be sad that such a wonderful person has left this planet, because Bob did indeed live life to the fullest - perhaps more than any person I have ever met. Also, at 84 years old at his passing, it is hard to argue that he went before his time. This leaves us with all the wonderful memories of a person that will never be forgotten - ever. RIP, Bob. Blessing to all his friends and family.
Read more about Bob's life in this Daily Breeze newspaper article, "Body Glove Founder Bob Meistrell Dies".
Above: Tim (at left) with Bob Meistrell during lobster season, 2011 - at Dive N' Surf in Redondo Beach, Calif. (click to enlarge). Just like in this photo, Bob was always beaming.
Story 1: When I was the head Scuba instructor at Dive N' Surf from 1988 - 1992 (5 years total), Bob and Bill did not work regularly in the store in Redondo Beach. However, they were there frequently. Whenever they came in, I would panic, because I could not tell the twins apart, and didn't know what to call himl! Finally, Scott J. (store manager at the time) instructed me that Bill (almost) always wore long pants, and Bob (almost) always wore shorts - whew!!! Was I rellieved to find that out, and that guideline was (almost) always true! Eventually, I got to where I could tell the difference between the two, just because I got to know them both a bit.
Story 2: I also had the privilege of being on the first Catalina Conservancy Divers ("CCD") Board of Directors with an outstanding crew that included Bob. We always met at Bob's home in Redondo Beach, where he and wife Patti were the ultimate hosts. Those first few years were awesome. We were able to make several trips to Catalina with the new CCD, including 2 on Bob's yacht, the Disappearance.
Above: At right is my current boat partner, Bill, talking with surfing legend Hap Jacobs. Hap started Dive N' Surf, but sold his share in the venture to Bill and Bob, so he could start Jacobs Surfboards.
Story 3: Years after I left Dive N' Surf, when my boat partner Bill wanted to meet the Surfiing Hall of Fame and Diving Hall of Fame member Bob Meistrell, I called Bob up, and he was thrilled to meet with us. At this time, I was sure he no longer remembered who I was, but he still did. Amazing.
Above: Tim (at left) with Bev Morgan. Bev (along with Hap Jacobs) sold the Dive N' Surf business to Bill and Bob Meistrell in 1953 - the rest is history! [Yes, I regret ever wearing that dopey hat - I never wore it again, except to do yard work at my house]
Story 4: When I was the head instructor at Dive N' Surf, Bob was always supportive of the store's instructor corp (no surprise there). As such, he took us out on the Disappearance (Body Glove) Boat to Catalina on several occasions for "instructor meetings" (i.e., dive partys!). The Disappearance is loaded to the gills with aquatic toys, and Bob let us use them all: Scuba compressor (to fill tanks for diving), underwater scooters (just like James Bond, Jet Skis and more - wow, we felt like the luckiest instructors in the world.
On these trips, Bob would dazzle the instructors with stories from the early days of diving in the 1950's and 1960's. Bob was like the West Coast version of Jaque Cousteau, but more fun! We also did some really stupid stuff while we are out there that I can't even mention. As always, Bob was in on all the fun with us. In fact, Bob was often leading the charge (see below), even though at that time he was in his 60s and we were all in our 20's or early 30's.
Story 5: The first time Bob took the instructors to Catalina on the Disappearance, he pulled up to Bird Rock and told us to jump out of the boat and climb up to the top (what? are you kidding?). The climb to the top of the 35 foot high rock is up a hard-to-see crack, and completely covered in bird poop! From the crested top (again, covered completely with bird guano), you start your walk out to the edge. Because it is stinky, wet, and slippery, once you start your approach, you have to keep going until the cliff edge and ocean water comes into view. From the edge, you can't stop even if you wanted to, and that 35 foot high leap looks MUCH higher when you are the one doing the leaping - believe me. We all did it (including my brother Brian, who was invited along even though he was not one of the instructors), and it was awesome. Brother Brian has a great photo of this jump that I would love to post here (if he can find it).
Above: I found this photo of Bird Rock (Sue in the foreground). The jump spot is where the top of the rock meets the left edge of the photo, and the crack that you climb up can barely be seen in this photo, if you know what you are looking for.
Above: Bird Rock. Climb up the crack at the left cliff face. Walk to the high spot in the middle. Carefully walk to the cliff edge and jump off!
Tim Waag - NASDS Instructor 2558. PADI Instructor 50599. Bob Meistrell - LA County Instructor Number 1! Bob and Bill Meistrell received many accolades over the years, but I know that being LA County Scuba instructor number 1 was one of his finest! Bob and Bill were lifeguards, divers, Scuba instructors, entrepenuers, innovators, go-getters, but most of all, made you feel like you were their best friend. Now that the duo is in heaven together, we can smile at the reunion that they are having. Vaya con Dios, my friend.
Read this article in Forbes Magazine about Bob Meistrell: The Octogenarian Entrepreneur: Seven Lessons From Body Glove Founder Bob Meistrell (April 4, 2013 Edition). Bob is still making the news, right up until the end!