I've wanted to write on this topic for years. I have worked for an employment law firm since 1998, and am amazed at how often our wonderful new employment laws were directed exclusively at private employers and not at the government itself.
Most often, the reason those who enacted the laws (i.e., our elected representatives) gave for NOT applying it to their own employees was because the laws would be "too burdensome" for them, yet somehow, would not be too burdensome for private employers.
The second most common reason the laws did not apply to them was simply because they would NEVER behave in the manner that the law was designed to prevent. Frankly, I'm amazed that the media never picks up on this completely hypocritical "let them eat cake" approach taken by those who write our laws.
This post will simply compile a list of recently enacted laws that apply to us (private employers) and not to them (the government). Let the fun begin. We will see if anyone cares, or is it just "business as usual".
Above: Blog posts are boring without a photo. Above is my son catching his first albacore. Bravo! (click to enlarge).